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Scott and Kimberly, part of the Equis financial, Executive Team, achieving a Top 5 Master Agency Status lead the Dallas/Fort Worth, Equis financial Hiring Event. 

Scott and Kimberly, both had what was considered very successful corporate sales backgrounds. Both earning multiple six-figure incomes, until the reality of who's business they were building was realized. Their incomes were cut and Quota's raised, not one, not twice, but year after year! They felt they had lost control of their incomes, their future and their time, way before all of that happened. 

In 2007, after Scott's income was reduced by $150K in a 10 minute conversation, they realized they had reached the end of their rope and knew they had to force their will and take back the control.  

That's when they met Barry Clarkson, now CEO of Equis financial. Barry, mentor and thought us the importance of building a part-time asset while they were still employed at their full-time careers. 

Scott said recently, the Part-Time Management and Financial Protection Agent position that we offer here at Equis financial allows people like Kimberly and I, with full-time careers to put in 10-15 hours a week a quickly start to see financial results that allowed us to gain control of our incomes. Within 8-9 months we were not only seeing our income

multiply as we build our own part-time agency, we could really see a future where we controlled every aspect of our lives. Every aspect including who really had control in our full-time careers. If there were going to be a departure from our full-time careers it would be on our time and our terms. And, we would no longer be held hostage by a paycheck.

I think my friend Johnnie, explains it best (video on Home page).

A Full-time Firefighter and Part-Time, Equis financial, Regional Manager - makes more with us ($80K+) Part-Time than at his Full-time job!

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